Coaches, Experts and Business Owners Focused on Client Growth using Social Media
3 days
20+ experts
Thousands of attendees
Dedicated Facebook group for speakers
… and YOU?
The Impact One Million Summit Is Searching For Experts
Do you help your clients get EXCITED about the impact they can make?

Do you instill confidence in your audience to create a life by design… instead of letting life happen to them by accident?

If you know that you can help your audience discover the future they’re passionate about and make a mark on the world.

We need you because...

The Impact One Million Summit Is Searching For Experts

Going Live: May 2nd - 5th, 2023
This is your chance to show up as you and speak from your heart about the impact you create in the world… while knowing you’re truly making a difference.
You already know there’s a point in your life where it’s not about you anymore.
Where the money you make and the life you can afford becomes almost secondary to the lives you can change.

Where you’re looking outside yourself to see what else you can achieve… what else you can do… what other purpose you can find for living.

Where your impact on the world is as - if not more - important than the daily life you’re living right now.

You’re waking up every single day wondering who you can serve and how you can change the world and looking for opportunities to solidify the message you want to leave the world with when you’re gone.

And now you’re passionate about helping other people wake up and do the same thing.

To stop living the same boring day-by-day… and START living as if they’re leaving behind a legacy that matters.

The problem is… they don’t know how to get started. Or what it even looks like.

They’re so entrenched in simply existing that they’re not sure what it looks like to step beyond that and strive for something more.

That’s why the Impact One Million Project was created, and it’s kicking off with an exclusive virtual event happening on 2nd to 5th of May 2023.

Are you a good fit?

You’re A Perfect Impact One Million Summit Expert If…
~ You are driven to help at least ONE person every single day… and you see this event as an opportunity to create change on a massive scale.

~ You’re excited to be in the proximity of greatness, meet and partner with other power players who are authentically pursuing maximum impact across the globe.

~ You’re ready to inspire AND educate the audience with the message that they CAN impact lives while giving them the tools to make it happen.
Sound like you? Click below to submit your application today
Sneak Peek of the Impact One Million Summit 2023
If you can speak on any topic related to these three themes, you could be a great fit…

Day 1: Discover Your Passion
These sessions are all about helping the audience find what drives them - whether they have an idea of what that looks like or not. Your area of expertise will be about helping them look inside themselves, understand what’s possible, and begin the dream of making it happen in their lives.
Day 2: The Confidence To Go For It
These sessions are designed to empower the audience to make the necessary changes in their lives and their pursuits to create the impact they dream of. Your area of expertise will be about building confidence and capability, encouraging them to take that first critical step, and start to bring their dream to life.
Day 3: Big Impact Strategies
Some of the audience will be ready to make a big impact right away - and these sessions are built for them. Your expertise will help them show up with consistency in a way that drives them closer to their goal of improving the world - no matter how big their dreams are.
Day 4: Success to Significance
Today's sessions are designed to help the audience see examples that they can follow - those that have dreamed big and accomplished what they set out to do. The speakers on Day 4 will be asked to be fully transparent about their journeys and what impact they have created - as well as a few takeaway lessons they've learned along the way.
The deadline to apply is March 15, 2023
Key Dates and Information
Summit Promotion Period: April 1 - May 5 2023
Summit Begins on May 2nd - 5th 2023
Guest Experts featured on the Impact One Million Summit 2023 will prepare and deliver a 20-25 minute presentation on a recording with Shar Moore OR be invited to participate in a multi-speaker panel..

No offers or upsells will be permitted, but free gifts are highly encouraged and recommended to take advantage of the new visibility you’ll gain.
Important Deadlines:
Speaker Applications Due: March 15, 2023
Speaker Final Selections Chosen: Rolling selection 
Speaker Information & Free Gifts Due: March 31st 2023
Interviews Completed by: April 10th, 2023
If you are able to participate in the entire event including any promotional or lead-up activities, and adhere to these deadlines, please click the button below and submit your application.
The Impact One Million Summit 2023 Online FAQ

Is there a minimum email list requirement to be a speaker?

There is no list requirement to participate in the Impact One Million Summit.

We do require all speakers to be well credentialed and have experience practicing and integrating what they are teaching in the real world (We appreciate theory and its place, but value practical application most in this summit).

Are speakers required to promote?

While we do already have an audience of thousands who follow its host and producer, Shar Moore… events like these depend on the speakers who are willing to share and get the word out.

Which means we the experts who are participating in the Impact One Million Summit will be expected to help us promote their own talk with their audience.

Promotion can be a mixture of live-streams and posts on social, podcast appearances, and sending emails to your email list.

The good news is that my team and I will give you everything you need to promote so getting the word out can be easy and natural for you.

Is there an affiliate program?

Yes! There will be an affiliate program for the VIP offers within the event. (VIP offers include having lifetime access to the recordings and a workbook that our team will be designing based on every speaker's talk.) Affiliate commission will be 10% of direct sales from the event.

Are there any sponsorship opportunities?

YES! Our sponsors will get amazing exposure and promotion - and we’d be honored for you to consider one of our available sponsorship options. Click here to learn more about becoming a sponsor.

How will this event be inclusive and ensure as many people can access it as possible?

We value making sure our events are accessible. As we work towards this, we are also open to being better and learning new ways and best practices. If you have accessibility concerns, please email us directly at

All expert interviews will be transcribed live on zoom and the transcriptions will be loaded into our video player so they can be accessed by anyone who requires that support.

This event is also open to all humans, regardless of gender, sexuality, race, or any other identifier. All humans are welcome to apply to be speakers and are invited to be registrants.

Will You Be a Speaker for The Impact One Million Summit 2023?
Meet Shar Moore
Shar Moore, TEDx Speaker. TV Talk Show Host, Multi-International Award-Winning Mentor, International Best Selling Author, Keynote Speaker, and Founder of the Feminessence® Movement.

There is something powerful about Shar Moore. She has created Feminessence® Magazine, the first National publication of it’s kind dedicated to empowering YOU to unlock your feminine essence. The magazine has been chosen as the exclusive magazine for the Hollywood Swag Bags at the 2023 Oscars.

Shar has dedicated her life to helping people realise their innate abilities and overcome the obstacles to success many of us put in our own way. She is an accomplished, compelling and much sought-after speaker, helping people build or re-create a business from the ground up in order to finally enjoy the success and happiness they deserve.

Shar was a regular speaker on select P&O Cruise Lines and at many other events globally, always captivating and inspiring audiences with her conversational, highly convincing, professional style. She has the unique ability to connect with her audience using humour, personal anecdotes and a combination of smart advice on business strategies, out-of-the-box thinking and helpful tips to start turning around the lives of her listeners.
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